As media buyers, we’re tasked with buying time and space. Our clients trust our expertise and experience to guide their brands along a marketing strategy that will lead to their success. Far too often, we hear stories about marketing teams showing up with a flowchart of ad options, nothing more than a schedule, without understanding the deeper work and purpose behind a strategy.

Strategy is not a marketing tactic. Strategy is the effect of the “Why?” Why are we going to market? What is the reason consumers should be interested in the product? What behavior are we trying to invoke? How are we going to take advantage and capitalize on any and all opportunities in front of us?

For the most successful brands, the ”Why?”, or the brand’s meaning and purpose, are felt through the campaign strategy. Marketers can leverage a consumer’s desire to feel as though they are part of something that goes beyond price points and packaging through a purpose-driven strategy. A shared purpose creates loyalty and a connection between the brand and the customer, and the execution must be relevant, beneficial and authentic.

The biggest mistake that businesses make when asking “what is the purpose of a brand?” is assuming that their company goal and their purpose are the same thing. Every business wants to make a living, but making money is more a company goal, than a purpose. To find its purpose, a company needs to look within for its passion. In doing so, they avoid the uninspiring, over-done messaging that misses the mark on being memorable or moving. 

There are many brands who have been very successful in showcasing their purpose through advertising. An example we reference often is Under Armour. Their strategy is not to sell as many garments as possible, nor to say, “wear our clothes and you’ll win more”, but to show their commitment to athletes, highlighting the dedication and sacrifice that high performing athletes devote to their sport. The message they’re trying to convey is simple: “Under Armour understands athletes.”

Additionally, we can take a look at Corona Extra. Their brand is synonymous with relaxation and disconnection. They’re never telling consumers to buy anything in their ads – their strategy was to release content around the verticals travel, beach lifestyle, sustainability, wellness and creative arts.

When working with new or perspective clients, our team often begins the conversation with the brand’s purpose, as this understanding is the basis of the entire marketing strategy. Our next step is to use the brand purpose to understand your audience. Who will resonate with your “Why?” We analyze any opportunities that lay before your brand – what market forces are fighting against us and fighting with us? By observing the landscape, the competition, and the market space, among others, we can compile insights that finally lead us to creating a thoughtful, robust strategy. 

The truth is that your purpose can be as simple or as complicated as you see fit. The only thing that is certain is that it needs to be something that can inspire and drive your brand forward. We’ve seen first-hand that purpose-driven brands outperform their competitors on multiple levels and gives marketers like our team at Roux a guiding star to base custom media strategies around. Ready to share your brand purpose with your audiences? Contact Roux today.