The healthcare industry is highly competitive, especially when it comes to gaining online visibility. Consumers are inundated with articles from healthcare websites like WebMD, and various facilities are competing with one another to gain traction with the same SEO keywords. Adding a video element helps your hospital or clinic be seen and heard over the static. It can also be used to build trust. Here’s how.

Show the human side of healthcare

Video marketing allows you to put the face of your hospital or clinic front and center. From patient testimonials to interviews with your in-house experts, a video is an opportunity to build a connection with potential patients in your community. Take a look at this video created for our client Children’s Hospital to see how visual storytelling can reveal the human side of healthcare and appeal to consumers’ emotions.

Provide more information in less time

Videos make it easy to share a good deal of information in much less time than the average blog post or white paper might take to read. For example, you might consider a series of short instructional videos that explain common procedures in plain language. Through visuals, narration, and subtitles, a three-minute clip can share exactly what a researcher needs to move forward with a healthcare decision confidently.

Offer education in an engaging format

Persuasion plays an important role in healthcare. Often, the things we should do to improve and maintain our health aren’t the things we want to do. It’s the job of healthcare providers to persuade consumers to make healthier choices. Education plays a critical role in persuasion. People have to know what the healthiest choices are before they can be convinced to make those choices. This educational video on Adolescent Health produced by our client at the Louisiana Public Health Institute provides insights into a controversial but necessary topic: adolescent sexual health in an approachable format.

Deliver useful content on a regular basis

When healthcare facilities invest in creating a regular roundup of helpful videos, they can become an actual destination for consumers rather than a pit stop during an emergency. Videos don’t have to be long to be effective. In fact, the reverse is true. Videos provide the perfect platform for quick tips that can improve daily life.

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for your healthcare facility

At Roux, we have decades of experience building comprehensive marketing strategies for healthcare institutions. Get in touch with our marketing experts today to learn how we can build a strategy that includes traditional advertising as well as more modern tactics like video and social media.