Hospital mission statements may vary slightly from one institution to the next, but each has at least one common goal: a commitment to improving a community’s health and wellness. Likewise, the most successful marketing directors share a few common goals. These goals support a hospital’s mission and help to differentiate it from other healthcare centers. They increase awareness among healthcare consumers and the medical community. Are you working towards the same goals?

Support the hospital’s mission

When a hospital’s marketing director begins to build an advertising strategy, she makes embedding the mission in every message a priority. She ensures that the hospital’s values take center stage and that its competitive position is unique and compelling. This isn’t just good for the institution’s brand image. It’s critical to the morale and vision of the entire hospital team.

Build and maintain a data-driven advertising strategy

Savvy marketing directors base their decisions on facts and figures, not faith. They pair the latest data-driven analyses of community health issues and patient demographics with proven advertising methods to build a marketing mix capable of changing with the times. Rather than accepting outdated ideas, they challenge the status quo, helping their hospitals to embrace new marketing technologies while better implementing traditional advertising channels.

They also use data to track the ROI of advertising strategies. Most healthcare institutions don’t have padding in their marketing budget for wasted efforts. Keeping a vigilant eye on successes and failures allows marketing directors to continuously refine strategies to maximize their impact.

Continuously enrich the reputation of hospital and staff

So many positive, life-affirming things happen in hospitals. So many people work together to improve their community, to help the sick, to comfort the brokenhearted. While conventional thinking is that bad news will always trump good news, successful hospital marketers commit to sharing the good news every single day anyway. They stay in touch with staff and patients and listen to their stories. Then, they share those stories to show the powerful, positive impact their hospital has in the community.

Generate new revenue for hospital programs

Capable marketing directors generate new revenue for hospitals by regularly seeking out unmet challenges. Finding those undetected opportunities requires regular analysis of the competition as well as the community. These committed directors analyze audience data to reveal patterns of healthcare consumer behavior that haven’t been identified previously, and then they tailor helpful campaigns to fill that gap.

Improve the experience of patients

If the mission of the hospital is to improve community health and wellness, the experience of the patients is the litmus test of its effectiveness. Marketing directors often have unique access to insights into patients’ experiences through consumer feedback and other marketing research. Truly effective directors use this information to do more than create marketing campaigns. They relay it back to the board to create better patient care.

Your partner in making and meeting hospital advertising goals

Because the healthcare industry is constantly changing, the demands placed on hospital marketing departments will continue to evolve and grow. The team at Morgan & Co. provides much needed support to innovative, forward-thinking hospitals and wellness organizations. We combine proven techniques with cutting-edge audience analysis technology to meet the short- and long-term goals of healthcare clients. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about our services.

What goals have you established for your healthcare marketing strategy?