5 legal advertising and marketing strategies

Is your personal injury law firm struggling to adapt to a constantly changing advertising landscape? Use these five strategies to make the most of your marketing budget.

Identify your target markets to focus marketing efforts

The most important strategy that personal injury law firms use to advertise effectively is audience analysis. Identify your ideal audience and understand their needs, desires, fears, and cognitive biases.

If your market is a large demographic, drill down to identify unique segments of that market. In doing so, you may discover that a previously targeted population has within it varying degrees of receptivity to your message. By hyper-targeting several smaller, swayable groups, you’ll optimize your advertising budget.

Measure and track your advertising effectiveness

Advertising effectiveness can fluctuate based on a number of factors. In some cases, it’s a poorly worded call-to-action. In others, it’s something entirely out of your hands, like a local recession. By actively and continuously tracking your advertising efforts and measuring their effectiveness, the marketing arm of your law office is empowered to take swift action to correct or to counter dips in effectiveness while celebrating and capitalizing on peaks.

Make the most of your law firm’s website

Your law firm’s website should be as inviting as the foyer of your office. Just as people tend to be more trusting of attractive strangers, evidence suggests that consumers’ base decisions about a brand’s trustworthiness on website design aesthetics. Be sure your site is competitive in terms of looks. It should be modern, clean, and easy-to-navigate. Help search engines and people find and engage with your website using professional, keyword-rich content.

Use your website to offer something of value to visitors. Maintain a consistent, easy-to-understand blog with regular posts addressing topics that would be of interest to your prospects. Create a FAQs section so that people can find answers to common questions without having to call because more and more people are resistant to phone conversations. Offer an ebook, checklist, or other downloadable lead magnet on a page crafted to convert site visitors into business leads. In short, give visitors an opportunity to actively engage with your site.

Capitalize on social media to meet your market

Find your ideal target market and meet them where they congregate: on social media. Social channels offer an opportunity to make personal connections with potential clients. They also equip law offices with invaluable tools for analysing, extending, and advertising to their target audiences.

Synthesize advertising efforts to extend your local reach

Whether on social, on your website, or out in the real world, if you’re a personal injury lawyer, you need to be known at home. Diversify your marketing mix to include digital marketing solutions like Google and Facebook ads alongside local television and billboard placement. The most successful campaigns will synthesize these efforts so that a television spot directs audiences to the firm’s website where they can share attention-grabbing, engaging content on social channels.

Bonus: Get help when you need it

The New Orleans-based advertising agency Morgan & Co. was founded by Eric Morgan, an expert in audience analysis and ad placement who has delivered results to top personal injury attorneys in eight states. With more than two decades of experience in media strategy, planning and buying, Eric knows how to generate qualified leads that turn into cases for attorneys. All while reducing the cost per case each month. Contact Eric and his team today to start building a powerful, multi-channel advertising plan.

Which advertising strategies present the greatest challenge to your law firm?