reviewing data

In a marketing landscape where advertising agencies have become commonplace, the team at Roux is often asked the question, “Why just media?” and “How is that different from advertising?” 

Media Agency v. Advertising Agency

Unlike traditional, full-service advertising agencies that provide a wide range of services, Roux focuses on one discipline – media. As a media agency, we help brands define and understand their ideal customers, acquire more customers, and reduce the cost of acquiring those customers. All of our efforts are devoted to connecting your brand with audience segments who are most qualified and likely to purchase your product, through media strategy and media buying. 

When most people think of advertising, they imagine Don Draper from Mad Men or picture flashy Super Bowl commercials from years past. Maybe they think of glossy ads in the pages of magazines. 

We’re not jacks of all trades, nor do we want to be. We’re masters of media. We’re numbers people. And we’re grateful for other firms that design ad creative and develop campaign concepts, because we’ll be the first to admit creative matters, and it allows us to serve our clients doing what we do best – media. 


In most cases, what we do best takes place behind the scenes. Our team of numbers people does the in-depth research that makes sure those ads are seen by the right people. To make this happen, we’re pros at defining the segment that is most likely to appreciate your brand and go beyond the standard demographics to understand what truly makes them tick. Motivating an audience to take action requires having a crystal-clear understanding of lifestyles, habits and how they make decisions. A successful advertising campaign is nearly impossible if you don’t know your audience on a level much deeper than age and income.

Media Strategy

You won’t find any copy & paste media strategies at Roux. We know that each audience is different, so each media strategy will look different. Because we have the ability to know your audience on such a deep level – what motivates them, what drives their decisions – we’re able to build a custom media strategy to grow your brand. 

Strategies use research, data, audience segments, budget, goals, messaging, seasonality and more. They define how, why and when customers could come to experience your brand.  Our research shows why it matters to them and establishes how media can proactively make an impact. In a nutshell, we’re thoughtful and strategic – exactly what you’d expect from a team of left-brained media pros. 


Have we mentioned yet how much we love numbers? The analytics don’t lie, and we know exactly how to take data and make it tell a story. Data is the foundation and benchmark that drives our ideas and grows your business. We’re not going with our gut, winging it or throwing spaghetti at a wall. We establish points of conversion within your campaign to measure, from which we study, report and optimize upon. Roux uses a proven marketing analytics system to track performance and measure achievements against your business goals. 

We do numbers, so you don’t have to – but we love helping you understand “the why” behind your media buy. Are you meeting with your media team on a regular basis to talk numbers? We’d love to get on your calendar.

If you want to connect your brand with your ideal customer, maybe a media agency like Roux is what you need to make it happen. We focus on audience, media strategy and analytics, so you can get results. Reach out and let’s get started today!