If a law firm wants to stay ahead of the competition and grow, the right marketing is critical. Therefore, hiring the right media agency is a critical decision that law firms must wrestle with. These days, there are a lot of media agencies who say they know marketing and can generate cases. Too often the challenge is that they specialize in one media tactic. Some focus on paid search or social media. Others focus solely on TV buying or video. Each piece is important and valuable to a law firm’s success. But the last thing you want to do is isolate them across multiple vendors who are apprehensive about speaking to each other or sharing strategy, insight and performance.

Going this route would be akin to building a house, and using one architect to design the bathrooms, another for the kitchen, and a third for the living room. Such a strategy is lacking continuity, alignment and accountability. For a law firm, that accountability only comes when a media strategy is comprehensive. It must measure all media tactics, to clearly report which tactic drove the case. Accountability goes well beyond the last touch attribution, which most vendors rely on. Instead, today’s accountability is reporting on the media mix, weight and ratio of all media tactics, and how that mix is driving cases.

How do you overcome this 21st Century dilemma? It’s a solution that countless marketers have been relying on for decades – with a twist. Media agencies like Roux are built to drive results (cases) through the most efficient (cost per case) use of media (online and offline). Three critical strengths of Roux allow this to happen – people, tools, and experience (the twist I mentioned).


We’re media people. Everyone at Roux is an expert at some form of media, whether that is broadcast, cable, radio, search, social, video, OTT or outdoor. Having that deep, intimate knowledge of each tactics strength (and what your law firm should pay!) and strategic advice driving your media strategy – it is priceless. Our clients win when they see an increase in calls and case volume at a reduced cost.


If you’ve been to a legal marketing conference, you’ve seen the slide – a collage of logos from fancy tools and systems that people will claim is how the magic happens. Yes, we use those tools, too. Are they important? Yes. Are they solely responsible for the performance? Not a chance. What matters is that we have them, arming our amazing team of media planners and buyers to make the smartest, most efficient recommendations for your media strategy. Plus, the reporting tools empower us to provide crystal clear information on how your campaign is performing and which media tactics are performing the strongest.


Finally, the twist. A media agency packs all the value of the first two points, making them a valuable partner. The third point, experience, makes Roux unique. With 23 years of experience, we know the ins and outs of legal marketing, which is a huge asset. The media strategy, media buying and media mix a law firm needs to succeed is different from all other categories. Even the what and how of measuring performance and costs are special. Finding a team of people who are experts in ALL media channels, and have the tools and experience necessary to grow cases, is rare these days. So when your firm is wrestling with which media team can help grow cases, pay special attention to their talent and experience in driving results.

A media agency with a core focus of audience, media strategy and buying, and analytics, Roux has helped law firms across the U.S. grow. If your firm is looking to improve its media strategy and understand how the right media mix can drive case volume, contact us.