If you haven’t begun to integrate AI into your law firm’s marketing strategy, make it a priority in the coming year. Despite all the hype, it’s still the early days of the artificial intelligence boom, and you’ll gain a distinct advantage over the competition by becoming an early adopter.
Artificial intelligence marketing leverages customer data and machine learning to automate and elevate your marketing strategy. While many of the creative elements of marketing are still best handled by humans, some can be completely carried out through databases, algorithms, and deep learning.
AI is already being used to support lawyers in research activities, analytics, litigation forecasting, and even document automation. In much the same way, artificial intelligence can handle the capture and analysis of customer data, predictive forecasting of customer behavior, and some marketing content automation on law firms’ websites.
Dynamic Micro-Segmentation
AI can take customer segmentation to a level that no human marketer is logistically capable of. While marketers can draw up a general overview of your customer segments at any given time, AI can segment your site visitors in real time, mapping each individual customer’s journey. This dynamic micro-segmentation paired with predictive algorithms creates an optimal customer experience for each visitor to your website.
Predictive Analytics
Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming more adept at anticipating human behavior than humans are. AI predictive analytics can assess customer’s past and current behavior patterns and predict their motivations, needs, and future actions. All of these insights can be used to supercharge targeted marketing campaigns and personalize the experience of individual site users.
Deep Learning
Deep learning architecture uses layers of artificial “neural networks” to mimic the activities of the human brain. Like the human brain, deep learning works on a trial-and-error basis, but much more rapidly. Using deep learning, AI can process and analyze enormous quantities of customer data without human operators. This capacity empowers legal marketers to respond quickly to changing trends and customer expectations and to continually optimize marketing campaigns.
Areas where AI can upgrade marketing intelligence
AI can be used across marketing strategies – wherever you want to make more intelligent use of data, including:
- Websites
- Chatbots
- Social media
- Pricing
- Ad buying
- Content curation
- Predictive pitching
Roux knows intelligent marketing
Like many traditional business sectors, law firms have been slow to adopt AI as part of their marketing strategies. There’s a steep learning curve that most busy firms simply don’t have the time to undertake. Roux has been steeped in data analytics and intelligent marketing for years, and we’ve worked with diverse industries to make the most of cutting-edge tools and strategies. Contact our team to learn how we can help you.