Having given my share of presentations on millennials over the last few years, I thought I’d outline a few interesting points on the group. An enormous amount of ink has been devoted to putting a label on millennials, as has been done for every generation before them. While it’s easy to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each generation, what has been absent, and frankly more important to the world I operate within, is how to connect with them. So, when others are shouting their opinions about those born between the years of 1981-1996, I like to push that aside and focus on how to communicate with them. After all, millennials are a powerful and important segment of our world.

Here are some things you should consider when marketing to millennials.

1. Above all, millennials rank experiences as the most important thing in their life. Do not sell them a product; sell them an experience they can get nowhere else.

2. If your brand has a more liberal position, part of your work is done, as millennials are more likely to lean to the left (open to gay marriage, legalizing marijuana and opening borders).

3. Unlike previous generations, millennials are not flocking to the top metro areas in the U.S. See #1 above and reap the benefits if you’re a mid-sized market. So choose your geographic targets accurately.

4. Create ads that are inclusive, as this generation is the most ethnically diverse ever.

5. Many millennials landed in the working world right when the economy was tanking, so achieving dreams like home ownership or landing the perfect job is still a work in progress. With that said, do not discount their ambitions and goals just because they haven’t acquired these material possessions yet.

6. Yes, they use a ton of apps. But they’re using the same apps as Gen X – search, shopping, weather, banking, food and location services. Warm up to more than social media and sharing platforms.

7. Everyone knows they’re on Facebook. But did you know almost the same number are also on YouTube? Make sure your brand has a presence there as well.

8. Yes, they love streaming video. But did you know that YouTube and Netflix are almost tied as their preferred service to watch video content (60% to 62%, respectively)? And that’s double their cable usage (32%). YouTube now targets Millennials by offering an inexpensive alternative to Cable TV.

Millennials are not that different from the rest of us. They know what they like and what matters most to them. They’re passionate about experiencing what life has to offer. So, before you start marketing your brand’s value to them in the same methods that have worked for previous generations, take a look at what makes this group of people unique. Your bottom line will thank you for it.

Want to learn more about millennials, what matters to them most, and how to communicate with the group? Download our Millennial Audience Profile below: