Spring cleaning has been a facet of human culture for centuries. Whether it be cause for opening your windows and removing the winter’s stale air, or springtime’s longer days energizing you to do a more thorough job, spring and cleaning go hand in hand.

At Morgan & Co., we use that same queue to look inward and do the cleaning that our accounts require. Cleaning accounts may sound odd, but it’s a ritual we perform at the closing of each quarter, which takes place in the first month of the following quarter (April for Q1). During that period, we’re busy looking at every detail of our accounts and making sure everything is tidy and in place.


We actualize the campaigns to ensure each vendor is delivering the product that was purchased, monitor the spend levels and budget pacing. If we achieve goals and spend below budget, we can reallocate funds to other initiatives per the client’s request.


We make sure each media tactic got invoiced by the vendor, has the necessary proof of performance and was billed per our clients’ requirements.


As is the case throughout the quarter, at the end of each quarter we conduct a deep analysis on performance, determining which tactics helped achieve goals and generate the greatest return.

We found that re-examining our plans, our vendor performance and our clients’ needs helps us to stay on target, delivering greater value to our clients. By examining the multiple facets frequently, we are better able to prevent issues than if we were looking only sporadically. And by being more on top of things, we have greater control over the changes that occur month to month, week to week. We’ll be rolling up our sleeves again soon to make sure second quarter has everything sparkling, too.