Not too long ago it was fairly easy. Once a media strategy was created and approved by the client, the media planning team would secure rates from publications to run an ad. Some paperwork would exchange hands, and sometime in the near future a full-page ad would land in the magazine’s next issue.
To say things have changed since those days is an understatement. These days, with every brand and marketer fighting hard to capture the attention and interest of audiences, placing an ad just won’t cut it anymore. In today’s insanely over-saturated world, media strategists and planners must use the most unique and creative ways to introduce a brand to those who matter the most. To do so, a media planner should think about the communication process, and how people interact with media outlets, from a new angle. It’s the not about merely having a presence in the publication, but how that presence is manifested and experienced by the audience.
The media strategy for our client Visit Baton Rouge (VBR) challenges the status quo when it comes to connecting with audiences. When it came to reaching meeting planners, which are an overly-targeted, elusive audience segment, the Roux media planning team turned to non-traditional ways to utilize publications in the campaign. With other brands screaming via traditional ad placements, the planning team approached the editorial staff of publications to design a more fitting and memorable presence within their pages. The result was an impressive two-page spread, crafted by the editorial staff, that draws readers into VBR’s content and brand value. Taking this unique approach gave additional credibility to the VBR brand.