A first-degree Tang Soo Do black belt, Lori Duke knows how to pack a punch both on the mat and in business. With a keen eye, Lori is talented at assessing projects and executing the right moves for greatest impact.
As Assistant Media Buyer, Lori works directly with the media buying team to assist in the planning, negotiation, buying, management and reporting of TV and radio campaigns. She assists with the review and audit of client media spending and approval, ensuring campaigns adhere to their budget and parameters while achieving clients’ goals.
Lori’s arrival at Roux marks a return to where she feels most at home: the advertising world. She began her professional journey after studying mass communications and advertising at LSU. Lori worked as an Account Executive at WGNO-TV in New Orleans before taking on roles with Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Texas and Canada.
Known for her good business sense, this mother-of-two also knows good fun. During parade season, you can find her marching—or shimmying— as “Molly” down the avenues as part of the all women dance troupe The Muff-a-Lottas.