As an advertising agency built for law firms, we act as financial advisors. A lot of our work is steering firms to get the most out of their marketing investment and lift the volume of qualified cases signed. As the new year approaches, we get excited about the possibilities ahead – new audience base, ad tactics to employ, hitting case goals, and new paths for content. To kick off the excitement, the Roux Advertising media team has put together a list of ways your law firm’s marketing team can improve results in 2025. With this list we hope you have a great holiday season and start 2025 off on an amazing path.


Knowing how clients got to your front door is arguably the most important piece of marketing information. For that reason, one must-do for 2025 is tighten up your firm’s analytics program. First, assign one person to own your Google Analytics system, ensuring everything is running fine, and all marketing tactics are captured. Have that person pull weekly data exploring which marketing tactics are driving leads, and producing site traffic, completed forms, clicks and calls. Compare the data with your marketing plan, adjusting where necessary – double down on high-producing tactics and reduce or eliminate those tactics not pulling their weight.


One of the biggest marketing challenges is having the discipline to stay focused and devoted to the right media tactics. It’s easy to get shiny object syndrome, chasing tactics the law firm down the street is employing. I’m here to remind you not to chase. Do what is best for your firm, your strategy and your marketing plan. And do it well. What I mean is when you use a media tactic, say broadcast TV or paid search, make sure you’re doing it to a sufficient level where you’re not missing any opportunities (i.e.: unreached potential firm clients). Understand the “universe” of that tactic and know what percentage your budget can reach. Max it out as much as possible before moving to the next media tactic.


Piggybacking on #2, once you’re getting the most out of a media tactic, move to the next one. Set up tracking/analytics, test it, study the performance and ROI, invest more if the ROI is there. Continue to invest in that new tactic until you have lived up to the requirement of #2 above. Stay focused and determined to get the most out of that new tactic in 2025. Of course, if the fish aren’t biting, do not hesitate to cut and run after a worthy test.


Marketing and advertising require a significant percentage of a law firm’s money. For that reason, your marketing team needs to get it right and get the most out of it. Whether we’re talking fire sales or hard-nosed negotiation, as advisors, the Roux team’s purpose is to make a firm’s budget go as far as possible. Strong buyers know the going rate a media vendor will accept, and the value that should be offered. In some cases, rates can only go so low. Fine. However, there is more the media reps can offer the firm to increase the value. We encourage getting creative with negotiations and think beyond traditional airtime or video units. Community sponsorship anyone?


The position your law firm owns matters tremendously. It’s what you stand for and how current and future clients perceive you. Want to be top of mind? That’s where your positioning comes into play. Routinely we work with law firms to help guide them to the right position, one that allows them to own a unique and distinctive space in their market. As we roll into 2025, please take time to reflect on your firm’s position, confirm it’s unique, one you can deliver on, one the firm is living 24/7, and one that will turn clients into advocates of the firm.


As most of you know, I’m a media buyer by training. I’m also the first one to tell law firms to invest in great creative. It’s an investment because it’s how your colleagues, current and future clients learn about your firm and what ultimately drives their decision. When marketing and advertising campaigns run, the exposure of your messaging can get worn out. It happens at any level of marketing spend. For that reason, enter 2025 with a plan to refresh creative throughout the year. Some firms do major creative production twice a year with minor production cycles monthly or quarterly. Pick what’s best for your strategy and never skimp.


Sticking with the creative theme from above, what you say, how you say it, and even when, is vital. Remember, your creative content is what conveys the firm’s position, conveys value and service to audiences, and moves people to action. The intersection of your firm’s position and analytics (the source of your new clients) is what you must pay attention to when building value in your content. To build affinity and value through creative content, develop a strategy that shines a light on what your firm stands for and the value you bring to the people.